Saturday, August 18, 2012

all right , the above is difficult to explain so Ill let someone else do it

That book is meant for lay-people like me. A more scientific is here.

Its the story of how a special kind of DNA tells us how and when humans migrated out
of Africa . It has been known now for a long time that ALL humans can be traced back to
Africa. ...that every human is related to every other human if you go back far enough.
They have PROOF of this now . Brittney Spears and Mike Tyson have the same
 grand Africa.

Brain Sykes (above) writes a lot about the 7 major groups in Europe .
 It might be 9 or 10 by now.

Because of these new tests ...scientist now say that KING TUT ...was a white guy.
google ' King Tut MtDNA ' , if you like .

If you wanna see what tinylotuscult looks like, then

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