Friday, March 29, 2013

This is Dr. Sleep by Stephen King/ It is The Shinning 2. 

It has one of the longest wait times in the history of books.
There was like 34 years in between parts 1 and 2. 
Danny is like 43 years old . His mom  is dead. He still has some
shinning left inside him and he uses it to help hopelessly Ill senors 
"pass in to the light" He works a shit job in a nursing home,

 so he has lots of clients to help. He doesn't seem to have much of a
 life , other the this.

 Then He runs into some bad guys.
Really evil senors who are called the "True knot".

 These guys are not human but appear to be just 
harmless senors citizens traveling through the 
USA in their plain, old RV's . They search for people
 with "the Shinning" and kid-nap them.
They use them , torture them, 
and some how 'consume' their powers.

The children with the Shinning some how 
'give off' food (power)as their being tortured, 
that these Evil-senior-RV-Monsters can eat .

At some point Danny and these monsters 
come across the same kid. 

Her name is Abra (as in abracadabra ) . 
The True Knot wants 12 year old Abra for food, 

Danny wants to save her...
so ...Hy'jinks ensue !
As you can see in the pic, Abra is like "Fading away"
 It is not clear why she is fading but she is, 
and Danny must save her before shes gone all together .
Why she seems to be an adult in the pic is also unclear.

You can youtube-search: Stephen kings reads Dr. sleep 
to hear him give an exert from the book

Thursday, March 28, 2013

I am accepting suggests for Penny's last name. Penny from the Big Bang does not have a last name yet. Next season they intend to give her one. I want you guys to suggest last name for her and put them in the comments section./ Slowensky might be a good one .
I will send all good suggestion to the writers at the show . most of them are friends of mine.

Friday, March 22, 2013

I have just returned from Sedona AZ , after out 10 day get together. It was amazing. The Sedona event is even "trumping" the Burning-Man event nowadays! .
Many of the VT people were there for the first time. It is very cool that I am starting the 'members section' now, Just after the AZ get together.
. I have many landscape pics I can post and maybe some members pics also. (maybe) . The ladies that used to post in the members sec. are not motivated to start again, but they might be soon, if all of our shit is not deleted right away ! I am going to post more lit here and less science . Also we will have an erotic fiction site soon . I have a shit ton of work to do !

One hour on string theory ...which is not really a theory .....

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Members s section , coming soon

We have nothing in common with any Christian cults, least of all with Jim Whatshisname .
WE do BELIEVE , however  that this generation needs to hear the Mantra::
 We need to say we are not at all part of the white lotus cult,or of the anything like themclick here

we have no strong options about these people, Its kind of self explanatory 

The Life of Elsewhere

remember people, these videos maybe very old. They are still good though

Monday, March 4, 2013

string theory

This is important. It is the best video anywhere about string theory . What S.T. is and what it is NOT. Its 3 videos. 3 hours . Its worth it. please watch it all carefully. The next videos are linked at the ends of parts one and two.