Thursday, June 18, 2020

Rick's true death

Rick seems to know something about his own death, while Rick is Quasi-immortal he is still going to die someday and he "knows" it will most likely involve the city of Venice and a dwarf in a raincoat (Rick has said this) .
These three facts add up to only one thing--A  1970s movie called
Dont Look Now.
What meaning this has for the show... is anybody's guess at this point yah go. watch below 

A very important point is at 10:00 , (one little girls death ruins a family forever[meaning beth])
beth and his wife (we believe) were really killed by a bomb , just as his "origen story says they did, only it was "our Rick" who sent the bomb , he was not the one who "lost his wife and daughter" that rick(S) are known as simple-Rick

Friday, June 5, 2020

neck bomb?

we have NO REASON to believe that the neck implants are/were bombs . 
we dont know what they are
but "bomb" is just about the last thing they might be. think about it, warch the epsd. again... theres no reason to awsume its a bomb